【获奖】 1、辽宁省“百千万人才工程”万层次人才
【代表性学术著作、论文】 (1) Xin-jie Wang, Yan Li, Lei Xia*, et al. Molecular dynamics simulation on the shielding effect of aminopropyl trimethoxysilane film on corrosive media [J]. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2023, 2566: 012065 (EI).
(2) Xia Lei, Yan Ling, Li Yan, et al. Factors Affecting the Mechanical Performance of High Manganese Austenitic Steel [J]. Metals, 2022, 12(9): 1405 (SCI).
(3) Xia Lei, Yan Ling, Li Yan, et al. Effect of temperature, strain rate and chromium content on the flow behavior of high-manganese steels [J]. Materials Research Express, 2022, 9: 106517 (SCI).
(4) Xia Lei, Li Yan, Zhang Hongmei, et al. Molecular Simulation of Chain Initiation Mechanism in the Oxidation of Lubricant Base Stock[J]. China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology, 2021, 23(4): 105-112 (SCI).
(5) Xia Lei, Li Yan*, Ma Leilei, et al. Influence of O2 on the erosion-corrosion performance of 3Cr steels in CO2 containing environment, Materials, 2020, 13:791.(SCI)
(6) Xia Lei, Li Yan, Zhang Hongmei,et al. Molecular Dynamics Simulation on Mobility and Aggregation of Macromolecular Lubricant Oxidation Products and Their Influences on Base Stock[J]. China Petroleum Processing and Petrochemical Technology[J]. 2020, 22 (3): 101-108 (SCI).
(7) 李海东,李岩,钟莉莉,夏垒*,等. 热轧带钢表面氧化铁皮及酸洗行为分析[J]. 轧钢,2024,41(6):25-29.
(8) 李岩,夏垒*,王科强,王青. IF钢冷轧润滑对带钢可轧厚度和电机功率的影响[J]. 石油炼制与化工,2024,55(3): 138-142.
(9) 李岩,夏垒*,孙荣生,等. 高品质酸洗板A510L表面色差缺陷机理分析[C]. 第13届中国钢铁年会,2021, 2570.
(10)姜正义,李岩,夏垒. 纳米添加剂润滑作用机理及其在水基润滑剂中的应用[J].鞍钢技术, 2020, (5): 1-7.
【主要科研项目】 1、辽宁省科技厅项目,2021-BS-243,主持;
2、米兰网页版青年基金,2019QN08, 主持;